
Movie: Eraser

Rail gun: 

There is a lot wrong with the House Attack Scene in Eraser in terms of the use of the ray gun. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of two objects acting upon one another will not change (unless there is an external force, which I am assuming there is not in this case). When the attacker shoots the ray gun at the characters in the house, it is moving at a much slower rate than the rate the victim moves when the ray hits him. He went flying very fast and forcefully; He literally busted a hole through the wall. Because of this, the directors of the movie seem to completely disregard the law, making the scene pretty much impossible. The ISMP movie physics rating is RP- it is very poorly done, but not as badly done as some other movies.


  1. Better late than never, but this is late. Also, in the future, try to incorporate your movie clips into your blog post, rather than just providing a link. Also, it's a "rail" gun, not a "ray" gun. Finally, and most importantly, you need explain the physics concept, in this case conservation of momentum, more thoroughly and justify your claim of retched physics.


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